【德星里懶人包】4. 你地班後生仔成日話上唔到樓,宜家有樓起你又反對,咁你想點?



4. 你地班後生仔成日話上唔到樓,宜家有樓起你又反對,咁你想點?


Qs 4. Young people always blamed that they could not afford buying an apartment. Why young people, like you, object again when a new building is constructed?

Ans 4. It is true that accommodation is the basic needs of human beings, however, we believe we are striving for a better living standard in our community development. In 70’s, public housing estate is the most common in Hong Kong. Recreation and open space are included during the planning stage. Government acknowledges that recreation stems from a basic human need for activities which are essential to the mental and physical well-being of the individual and the community as a whole. It therefore encourages participation in recreational pursuits and seeks to ensure that appropriate opportunities are available to meet the needs of the people of Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, there are actually enough lands for building houses. However, the key problem is property developers have hoarded land and residential flats so as to control the completion and supply of residential flats. To resolving the housing situation, it is necessary to control the supply of land instead of building pinned building in such a crowded community.

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